Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Home again... We got home last night after 11 pm... and today we found the hummingbird nest on the back patio.  The hummingbird nest at the front of the house had in it a chick that was two weeks old when we left a couple of weeks ago, and the nest was empty today; so the little bird has grown big enough to fly.  The new nest and the new bird has at least one egg that we will watch and photograph for the next few weeks.  Huw and Betty had the pleasure of seeing the nest being built and the bird sitting on it laying the egg. Margaret and I will have the pleasure of seeing the baby birds hatch and grow into flying creatures in our back yard.

I'll choose at least one picture from each of the days of the river trip in Europe, and I'll post them on the BLOG... Maybe later today when my old body has recovered from the long day of flying from Prague to San Diego I'll post the pictures.

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