Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Looking through my old journals…
Sunday, December 23, 1990

James McQueen

James McQueen looked me square in the eye
and said, “Look at the color of my skin.”
He tapped the back of his right hand
with his left index and middle fingers.
“This brown skin that everybody calls black
means I have to bust my butt being better
at everything just to stay even.
To get ahead is a whole other thing.”

His eyes didn’t accuse or indict me,
and his smile had the light of friendship in it.
“I have a master’s degree,” he said,
“and I made very good grades in school,
but the color of my skin devalues all that
when it comes to getting ahead in a company.
I was employed once by a man who paid me half
what he paid a white man who worked
only half as hard as I did, day in and day out.
And he wanted respect from me to boot.
I don’t mean just politeness but that other, 
the bowing and scraping and shuffling,
the moving to the side of the room
when he decided he wanted to be in it.”

His smile had no strain or animosity in it
as he reached to touch my shoulder.
“But you know how I’ve learned to beat it?
Do you want to know how I win every time?
This smile you see is the real thing.”

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