Friday, March 21, 2014

Lenda died this morning… in Louisiana. She was beautiful and very smart about all kinds of things.  Once when she was staying with my Mother and going to law school, she told me all about hibiscus tea; and when I asked her what it’s like, she said she didn’t know… hadn’t tried it; but she fully intended to someday.  That was a long time ago.  I hope she did. I haven’t tried it either… yet; but now I’m going to go get some.  Like Lenda, I don’t want to miss out on something that is known to be good. 

My focus lately has been on the tiniest of birds, so it was a jarring sight this afternoon when a big peacock, a rather bedraggled looking one, wandered around our condominium community. There are no farms nearby, and the zoo in Balboa Park is at least two miles from here. I was in the mood for fooling around with images today; so remembering Lenda’s loveliness, I played around with the hibiscus picture… and with the peacock, who had seen better days.

1 comment:

Rajesh said...

Lenda would have been someone important in your life. She is with God.

Do share feedback on hibiscus tea.