Wednesday, December 18, 2013

This was the day in December when scores of immigrants in San Diego became citizens of the United States of America.  It happened in November and in October... and it happens every month of the year.  These people and several others are available every month to register new citizens to vote. The new citizens who are residents of San Diego will be eligible to participate in the election in February to elect David Alvarez mayor for the city.  That's the way a democracy does it.  We get help every month from President and Mrs. Obama, a very popular American couple.  The other party has resurrected President Ronald Reagan to help with their registration in the same courtyard where our party does its work.  Great crowds gather around President and Mrs. Obama to get pictures taken with them.  Perhaps two people today wanted to be seen with President Reagan.

...And I ended the day with French American grandson Michael wrapped in American democracy.

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