Sunday, June 09, 2013

This day has been a kaleidoscope of images.  They were all captured with my cell phone.  The boots and worn house slippers caught my attention at church.  A small boy, perhaps five years old, and younger sister were sitting on a bench with their mother. I asked the children first and then the mother if I could take a picture.  I said I really like the boots, and then I noticed the worn, dirty house slippers the little girl was wearing and said immediately that I liked them and asked her to let me take a picture of her shoes, too.  She moved closer to her brother and put her feet alongside his. The mother nor the boy nor his sister seemed aware that he was wearing his boots on the wrong feet.  There must be a story here, but I don't have a clue what it is.

In the middle of the afternoon I went for a short bicycle ride down by the river and found a new graffiti painting, a man sleeping under the railroad overpass near a little patch of weed that looked like trees in a desert landscape.  Later nearer home, I got the picture of the bees working in a magnolia blossom.  

In the evening we celebrated Elaine's birthday with friends.


Unknown said...

A great collection of photos today, and yeah, as I read, I kept looking at those boots, thinking, aren't they on backwards?

Anonymous said...

And made for walkin....

Anonymous said...

I loved the boots and slippers. I have never seen such fancy boots! And then on the wrong foot "to boot"! Marybeth

Anonymous said...

I love the boots and slippers. Call me crazy but it seems to me thta the boots are on the wrong feet, something I noticed right off. When I read that it was a young boy it made sense since I used to do that sort of thing all the time. My mistakes today are sometimes less obvious thank goodness. Of course I could be wrong about the boots but look at them again--really.