Saturday, July 14, 2012

The title of my blog “The Way I See It,” is a disclaimer, a reminder that the way I see the world isn’t necessarily the way the world is... and the way other people see the world is not the way the world is.  A friend got me thinking again this morning about the importance of nondual thinking; that is... thinking nonjudgmentally about the world, about everything. It’s hard to do.  My impulse is to evaluate whatever is happening now and to make judgements based on all kinds of preconceptions... I confess that I have a hard time breaking the habit of deciding about everything that it is either good or bad... beautiful or not... nice or not... useful or not.  
So...  what I want to learn to do is to come to the end of a day having lived in the moments of that day.  I am sitting now in the evening of the day when I went to a funeral, a Buddhist funeral.  I had plenty of time to sit and think... and to feel... without comparing what I thought and how I felt with any other day with a funeral in it. I felt myself to be alive... and awake... and grateful.

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