Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sitting alone in the tree outside my window
a new crow in the neighborhood checks me out
and talks earnestly expecting me to answer,
but I don’t know the language of crows... or doves


Unknown said...

I think he was saying, "where's your camera?"

Anonymous said...

What a CUTE puppy Cali is—and just wait! I have a six-month-old beagle puppy named Babette whom I got at 7 weeks old last summer. Be prepared for puppy behavior, which I assure you will improve eventually. Babette was sort of subdued for a little while and then started sowing her canine wild oats and she’s still pretty naughty. She’s chewed up some of my books, for one thing, until I finally moved them and gave her her “own” book shelf of the tattered ones she’d more or less destroyed, so she can go there and chew on books to her heart’s content. (Obviously she is a literary beagle like Snoopy.) I’ve had to move lots of things that she would otherwise grab and chew on, and she digs holes in yard as if she’s heading for China. Fortunately, she has a 10-year-old beagle sister named Suzette who runs around and roughhouses with her, and that helps me since I’m at work all day. In fact, she has rejuvenated Suzette—but not me. I’m sure you and the Davids will have better luck with discipline and someone will be home with her more than I am with Babette. But in spite of the crazy and sometimes destructive antics, I wouldn’t trade her for the world, and that’s exactly what will happen with Cali. I look forward to hearing of her adventures!

Anonymous said...

The Raven has been with us on all our treks worldwide....they say the spirit god resides within the heart of the Raven...


Rajesh said...

This one looks like a fighter :) I still miss the erstwhile SLR of yours. This one really needs a little more light be as clear as the old one.